Source code for vfb_connect.neo.neo4j_tools

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import json
import warnings
import re
import time
from datetime import timedelta
import math
import argparse
from ..default_servers import get_default_servers

[docs]def cli_credentials(): """Parses command line credentials for Neo4J rest connection; Optionally specify additional args as a list of dicts with args required by argparse.add_argument(). Order in list specified arg order""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("endpoint", help="Endpoint for connection to neo4J prod") parser.add_argument("usr", help="username") parser.add_argument("pwd", help="password") # if additional_args: # for a in additional_args: # parser.add_argument(**a) # how to get this to work with non kewyord args return parser.parse_args()
[docs]def cli_neofj_connect(): args = cli_credentials() return Neo4jConnect(endpoint=args.endpoint, usr=args.usr, pwd=args.pwd)
[docs]def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l. :param l: a list :param: n, chunk size""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i+n]
# @dataclass # class Filter: # jpath: str # label: str # value_restriction: None # # @dataclass # class CompoundFilter: # primary_filter: Filter # # secondary_filters: Array(Filter) # # # image_folder_plus_meta = Filter(jpath="$.channel_image.[*].image.image_folder,template_anatomy") # def batch_query_dict_opt(func): # # Assumes first arg is to be batched and that return value is dict # def wrapper_batch(*args, **kwargs): # if not (args[1] is None): # cs = chunks(args[1], 1000) # else: # return func(*args, **kwargs) # out = dict() # for c in cs: # arglist = list(args) # arglist[1] = c # subargs = tuple(arglist) # out.update(func(*subargs, **kwargs)) # return wrapper_batch
[docs]class Neo4jConnect: """Thin layer over REST API to hold connection details, handle multi-statement POST queries, return results and report errors. :param endpoint: a neo4j REST endpoint :param usr: username (content ignored if credentials not rqd) :param pwd: password (content ignored if credentials not rqd)""" # Return results might be better handled in the case of multiple statements - especially when chunked. # Not connection with original query is kept. def __init__(self, endpoint = get_default_servers()['neo_endpoint'], usr=get_default_servers()['neo_credentials'][0], pwd=get_default_servers()['neo_credentials'][1]): self.base_uri = endpoint self.usr = usr self.pwd = pwd self.commit = "/db/data/transaction/commit" self.headers = {} if not self.test_connection(): print("Connecting to Neo4j v4+") self.commit = "/db/neo4j/tx/commit" self.headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} self.test_connection()
[docs] def commit_list(self, statements, return_graphs=False): """Commit a list of statements to neo4J DB via REST API. Errors prompt warnings (STDERR), not exceptions, and cause return = FALSE. :param: statements: A list of cypher statements. :param: return_graphs: Optional. Boolean. Returns graphs under 'graph' key if True. Default: False :Return: List of results or False if any errors are encountered. """ cstatements = [] if return_graphs: for s in statements: cstatements.append({'statement': s, "resultDataContents" : [ "row", "graph" ]}) else: for s in statements: cstatements.append({'statement': s}) # rows an columns are returned by default. payload = {'statements': cstatements} response = = "%s%s" % (self.base_uri, self.commit), auth = (self.usr, self.pwd) , data = json.dumps(payload), headers = self.headers) if self.rest_return_check(response): return response.json()['results'] else: return False
[docs] def commit_list_in_chunks(self, statements, verbose=False, chunk_length=1000): """Commit multiple (chunked) commit of statements to neo4J DB via REST API. Errors prompt warnings (STDOUT), not exceptions, and cause return = FALSE. :param: statements: A list of cypher statements. :param: verbose: Boolean. Optionally print periodic reports of progress to STDOUT :param: chunk_length. Int. Optional. Set chunk size. Default = 1000. :Return: List of results or False if any errors are encountered. Chunking is not reflected in results. """ chunked_statements = chunks(l = statements, n=chunk_length) chunk_results = [] i = 1 c_no = math.ceil(len(statements)/chunk_length) for c in chunked_statements: if verbose: start_time = time.time() print("Processing chunk of %d of %d starting with: %s" % (i, c_no, c[0].encode('utf8'))) r = self.commit_list(c) if verbose: t = time.time() - start_time print("Processing took %d seconds for %s statements" % (t, len(c))) print("Estimated time to completion: %s." % str(timedelta(seconds=(t*(c_no - i))))) if type(r) == list: chunk_results.extend(r) else: chunk_results.append(r) i += 1 return chunk_results
[docs] def commit_csv(self, url, statement, chunk_size=1000, sep=","): # May need some configuration to work with file://... cypher = "USING PERIODIC COMMIT %d " \ "LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '%s' AS line FIELDTERMINATOR '%s' " \ "%s" % (chunk_size, url, sep, statement) self.commit_list([cypher])
[docs] def rest_return_check(self, response): """Checks status response to post. Prints warnings to STDERR if not OK. If OK, checks for errors in response. Prints any present as warnings to STDERR. Returns True STATUS OK and no errors, otherwise returns False. """ if not (response.status_code == 200): warnings.warn("Connection error: %s (%s)" % (response.status_code, response.reason)) return False else: j = response.json() if j['errors']: for e in j['errors']: warnings.warn(str(e)) return False else: return True
[docs] def test_connection(self): """Test neo4j endpoint connection""" statements = ["MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 1"] if self.commit_list(statements): return True else: return False
[docs] def list_all_node_props(self): r = self.commit_list(['MATCH (n) with keys(n) AS kl UNWIND kl as k RETURN DISTINCT k']) d = dict_cursor(r) return [x['k'] for x in d]
[docs] def list_all_edge_props(self): r = self.commit_list(['MATCH ()-[r]-() with keys(r) AS kl UNWIND kl as k RETURN DISTINCT k']) d = dict_cursor(r) return [x['k'] for x in d]
[docs] def get_lookup(self, limit_by_prefix=None, include_individuals=False, limit_properties_by_prefix=('RO', 'BFO', 'VFBext')): """Generate a name:ID lookup from a VFB neo4j DB, optionally restricted by a list of prefixes. :param limit_by_prefix: Optional list of id prefixes for limiting lookup of classes & individuals :param include_individuals: If `True`, individuals included in lookup. :param limit_properties_by_prefix: Optional list of id prefixes for limiting lookup of properties. """ if limit_by_prefix: regex_string = '.+|'.join(limit_by_prefix) + '.+' where = " WHERE a.short_form =~ '%s' " % regex_string else: where = '' neo_labels = ['Class'] if include_individuals: neo_labels.append('Individual') out = [] for l in neo_labels: lookup_query = "MATCH (a:%s) %s RETURN a.short_form as id, a.label as name" % (l, where) q = self.commit_list([lookup_query]) out.extend(dict_cursor(q)) lookup_query = "MATCH (a:%s) %s AND exists(a.symbol) " \ "RETURN a.short_form as id, a.symbol[0] as name" % (l, where) q = self.commit_list([lookup_query]) out.extend(dict_cursor(q)) # All ObjectProperties wanted, irrespective of ID if limit_properties_by_prefix: regex_string = '.+|'.join(limit_properties_by_prefix) + '.+' where = " WHERE a.short_form =~ '%s' " % regex_string else: where = '' property_lookup_query = "MATCH (a:ObjectProperty) " \ " " + where + " " \ "RETURN a.short_form as id, a.label as name" q = self.commit_list([property_lookup_query]) out.extend(dict_cursor(q)) lookup = {x['name']: x['id'].replace('_', ':') for x in out} lookup.update({x['id']: x['id'].replace('_', ':') for x in out}) # print(lookup['neuron']) return lookup
[docs]def dict_cursor(results): """Takes JSON results from a neo4J query and turns them into a list of dicts. :param results: neo4j query results :return: list of dicts """ dc = [] for n in results: # Add conditional to skip any failures if n: for d in n['data']: dc.append(dict(zip(n['columns'], d['row']))) return dc
[docs]def escape_string(strng): """Simple escaping for strings used in neo queries.""" if type(strng) == str: strng = re.sub(r'\\', r'\\\\', strng) strng = re.sub("'", "\\'", strng) strng = re.sub('"', '\\"', strng) return strng